Your Online Reputation Matters.

Just how important are online reviews? Well...

  • 90% of consumers read online reviews before visiting a business.
  • 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.
  • Customers are likely to spend 31% more on a business with “excellent” reviews.

According to those statistics, I would say that they are pretty important.

A bad review is probably your worst I right? Thank goodness not all online reviews are bad. The motivation behind why consumers feel the need to leave an online review always leads back to the experience they received with your associates or your products. One day you may receive a 5-star review about the great customer service your customer received. The next day you may receive the unfortunate 1-star review. Staying on top of what is being said about your brand online is critical in this highly-centric digital age we are in.

Online reviews now make it easier than ever for consumers to tell others about their good and bad experiences with a business. These reviews help drive in potential customers and keep current customers loyal while setting your brand apart from the rest. With the countless number of review sites on the Internet, it’s no surprise that it would be extremely difficult to track every mention of your brand. That’s why we at IntelliShop created InSocial® - a social media monitoring tool easily showing you how consumers experience your brand online.

InSocial® has countless features allowing you to easily stay on top of your online reputation by:

  • Monitoring 50+ social media rating sites for reviews
  • Reporting on social ratings, rankings on how your company has responded, and much more
  • Providing data on sites where profiles are not established for each of your locations
  • Ensuring your location information is up to date everywhere on the Internet
  • Monitoring all company locations or a select few you choose
  • Allowing unlimited manager access at no additional expense

For most shoppers, the customer experience begins and ends with online reviews. Whether customers are looking for a new restaurant or product, reviews and profile information affect their purchasing decisions. Contact the customer experience experts at IntelliShop today for more information on one of our newest programs, InSocial®.

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